I fullheartedly agree that Szabo Gyuri is the soul and spirit of
Trafo-house. He's vision and care built a singular institution, one
that is the only link between the Hungarian dance/performing arts scene
to the rest of the world. It is a great mistake to think that anyone
could improve on the functioning and standing of Trafo House without
Gyuri and his team's presence.
He's charisma and
vision has defined the place and managed it to the best of it's
abilities without much external support. Through the years he's to built
a much loved, well functioning base and a very dedicated following.
supported the most important facet of art making, the exchange between
artists. Most importantly, in between Hungarian artists and artists from
abroad. People came to Trafo to see dance made by Hungarian
choreographers as well as visiting companies of very high qualities.

In my opinion Bozsik
Yvette should receive her own support to run her company certainly, but
not at the expense of replacing the creator and well loved leader of an
I think the real solution would be to create a separate
dance space for Yvette and allow for a healthy competition so they could
create not only their own works, but most importantly a larger,
educated audience.
One with choice and a wider view on what is the state
of the international and national performing arts scene. That would
serve best the needs of culture in Hungary as well as Yvette and
I hope this decision will be revised and Gyuri
will receive not only reinstatement but also further support and
financial freedom to continue and support Trafo House. Continuing this
well established creative exchange between Hungarian artists and the
larger world is paramount for the local art scene to thrive.
Tamas Moricz, Dancer, Choreographer, Berlin